TDN Weekend

June 2017

TDN Weekend December 2016 Issue 9

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70 THE RACE THAT STOPS A NATION They call the Melbourne Cup the race that stops a nation, and if you're thinking of going there the ƬUVW7XHVGD\LQ1RYHPEHU\RXoG best stop a moment now to make some plans. By Andrew Lemon ,QUDFLQJZHKHDUWKHZRUG1RUPDQG\DQGLPPHGLDWHO\WKLQN Deauville, Arqana Sales, the lovely Clairefontaine Racecourse, Calvados, apple tarts and caramel. But to the world, of course, WKUHHTXDUWHUV RI D FHQWXU\ DJR 1RUPDQG\ UHSUHVHQWHG something far more seminal; the largest invasion in history DQGE\WKHWLPHWKHEDWWOHRI1RUPDQG\ZDVRYHUPRUHWKDQ $OOLHGWURRSVKDGJLYHQWKHLUOLYHVLQDQHƪRUWZKLFK UHVXOWHGLQWKHWXUQLQJSRLQWLQWKHZDU,QWKLVHGLWLRQRI7'1 :HHNHQGZHRƪHUDGYLFHRQH[SORULQJ1RUPDQG\oV:RUOG War II history while you're in Deauville for your equine pur- VXLWVWKLVVXPPHU:HDOVRSURƬOHVXFFHVVIXORZQHU0LFKDHO Dubb, whose Anna House is changing the lives of the children of Belmont's backstretch workers; talk vintage top hats (and WDLOVZLWK$VFRWoVRƯFLDOWRSKDWOLFHQVHH.ULVWLDQ5REVRQ tell you why if you're going to the Melbourne Cup, you should start planning right now; and bring you a special edition of The Last Word with Angel Cordero Jr., who has some fascinat- ing revelations you've never heard before. Sue Finley, Co-Publisher Created for by: -81(ǙǙ,668( Publisher: Thoroughbred Daily News 60 Broad Street, Suite 100 Red Bank, NJ 07701 Photographers: Sarah Andrew Calvados Tourisme Adam Coglianese/NYRA Christie DeBernardis Getty Images Grossi Florentino Horsephotos Langham Hotel, Melbourne Zuzanna Lupa Pelligrini's Westin Hotel, Melbourne Windsor Hotel, Melbourne TDN Weekend is published by the Thoroughbred Daily News. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the prior written permission of the Thoroughbred Daily News is strictly prohibited. 92 THE LAST WORD WITH ANGEL CORDERO In a wide-ranging Q and A, the former champion jockey Angel Cordero Jr. talks about the racial discrimination he faced LQWKHVWKHGHDWKWKUHDWV he received after Codex beat Genuine Risk in the Preakness, and why he doesn't open his mail. By Mike Kane 56 TOP HAT AND TALES Thinking of investing in a vintage top hat for your trip to Ascot? .ULVWLDQ)HUQHU5REVRQWKHRZQHU of the gentlemen's clothier Oliver Brown in London, has you covered. By Chris Anderson TDN WEEKEND w w w . P M a d ve r t i s i n g . c o m

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