standardized the way samples were
being taken while verifying that
everyone was using clean sample
bottles and that everything was
labelled properly.
e number of like oils was also
consolidated, resulting in a drastic
reduction in shop-stocked oils. In
addition, compatibility testing was
implemented to ensure proper lubri-
cant selection.
Although still a work in prog-
ress, the oil analysis program has
been a huge success. As more equip-
ment arrives at the Kennedy Space
Center for the Space Launch System
program, the oil analysis program will
need to expand to accommodate the
space and fire- suppression system
required to store oils and greases.
"We knew that this was going to
be a journey," Hollis added. "Being
able to essentially preach the gospel
from the bottom all the way to
the top, especially having a strong
director and program manager by
you, made the team really shine."
Gill Award Criteria
Designed to motivate compa-
nies to improve machine reliability
and maintenance quality through
the application of oil analysis, the
Augustus H. Gill Award has specific
criteria for potential recipients.
ese include:
• Commitment to education
• Ma intena nce cu lture a nd
management support
• Performance measurements
• Proactive/predictive maintenance
• Use of standardized procedures
• Technology integration
• Contamination control
• Lubrication management
• Oil a na lysis methods a nd
• Use of information technology
• Continuous improvement
Both the Augustus H. Gill and
John R. Battle awards are open to
organizations worldwide indepen-
dent of any involvement with ICML.
To avoid bias, ICML has chosen a
policy by which it does not nominate
companies. Instead, nominations
must come from the companies
directly via an application.
If you know of any organizations
that deserve to be recognized for their
machinery lubrication or oil analysis
programs, encourage them to apply
for an ICML award. To submit a
nomination for one of ICML's recog-
nition of excellence awards, visit