Retail Observer

August 2018

The Retail Observer is an industry leading magazine for INDEPENDENT RETAILERS in Major Appliances, Consumer Electronics and Home Furnishings

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RETAILOBSERVER.COM AUGUST 2018 16 STRENGTH AND BEAUTY REIGN SUPREME WITH LAUNCH OF RISE ™ DESIGN EXPRESSION FROM JENNAIR Luxe design rises anew across masterfully executed product offerings JennAir unveiled a defiant new design expression, RISE, representing a rebellion within the luxury appliance category that both empowers the discovery of genuine personal style and illuminates kitchen detail. With the Bound By Nothing ™ campaign, RISE is a colossus of progress, towering over stagnant, uninspired designs that have inherited undeserved standing. RISE delivers luminary brilliance in a suite of precise, powerful appliances, including column refrigerators, built-in refrigerators, professional-style ranges, rangetops, cooktops, wall ovens, urban living offerings, dishwashers, and many others — each built for consumers who are unwilling to settle for the status quo. "We exist to drive progress inside the appliance industry by delivering limitless possibilities for our luxury consumers and the designers and specifiers who help them build their dream kitchens," said Jon Hall, JennAir marketing director. "Our founder, Lou Jenn, was a rebel who inspired unprecedented innovation; we are fearlessly carrying his torch forward. RISE embraces an evolved kitchen aesthetic, turns its back on the tired ways of conventional luxury, and allows consumers to wield control. We're proud to offer aspiring new designs as we forge a new vision of commercial luxury grounded in strength and beauty." Progressive in every detail, RISE is intended to inspire designers and tastemakers as they build custom kitchens to reflect bespoke personal style, ushering in a new era of striking proportions. Robust lines draw the eye with AUGUST I N D U S T RY [ N E W S ]

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