Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, Summer/Fall 2018

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Page 101 of 315

Montage Health, a local nonprofit company, is the umbrella for a collection of entities designed to keep people healthy and connected. Preventive, restorative, palliative, and coordinated care. Many parts operating with a single, shared vision — service that addresses the entire continuum of care. With 258 beds, 2,300 employees, and about 400 medical staff members, Community Hospital has been recognized for providing safe and high quality care for more than 80 years. Founded to address a shortage of physicians in Monterey County, Montage Medical Group has more than 40 primary care doctors and specialists, providing care at seven offices in Monterey, Carmel, and Marina. The foundation is the philanthropic arm of Montage Health, raising money to meet community health needs. Aspire offers a Medicare Advantage plan — combining hospital, doctor, and drug benefits in a single plan. It also administers the health plan for Community Hospital and other local employers. Community Health Innovations is the local leader in population health management, bringing together healthcare providers and resources to coordinate care for and with patients, focusing especially on those with chronic conditions. With locations in Marina and Salinas, Montage Wellness Center offers gyms, pools, classes, and personal training from certified instructors.

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