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C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 8 159 Phil Hill, Monza, 1960 little late for anyone to get in trouble," Nancy laughs. As international auto enthusiasts arrive for Monterey County's August car events, about 50 of Jesse Alexander's images will be featured in a rare exhibition at Carmel's Center for Photographic Art (CPA). The 89-year- old artist's last show, two years ago, was to be his last. But, he agreed to one more retrospective at the invitation of the CPA and show sponsors Gordon and Molly McCall. Personal links to the area influenced the decision. In years past, the Alexanders rented a local house while attending the Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance. "We visited the Center for Photographic Art several times on those trips, when it was Ansel Adams' gallery," says Nancy. "Though Jesse didn't know Adams well, the two were acquainted. Jesse took a wonderful little snap of him at Pebble Beach one year, which we still have. I think he has a