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"Our thinking was that the community need- ed something upbeat and not fire related," Goettel says. "We wanted to do something fun—with no purpose other than being fun—so we launched this rocket of an idea." And that rocket has soared in the ensuing years. After several years at the Henry Miller Library (HML), the event is now presented at the Barnyard Shopping Villag e near Highway 1 and Rio Road in Carmel. It's now under the aus- pices of another community event, the Big Sur Food and Wine Festival. Fashion Show Executive Director Elsa Rivera is also CFO of the Food and Wine event. "With all the challenges that HML faced last year due to storm-related road closures in Big Sur, (Henry Miller Library Executive Director) Magnus Toren suggested that the Big Sur Food and Wine Foundation should take on the fash- ion show as a project," Rivera says. "I took the idea to the Foundation board and they agreed. I like to say the foundation now has a self-sus- taining arts initiative project we call the Big Sur Fashion Show." The move to the Barnyard has C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 8 201 Originally conceived as a way for the Big Sur community to kick up its heels and help forget the trauma of a devastating wildfire, Big Sur Fashion has evolved into an annual event benefitting local non-profits. Photos: Christine Holding