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Carmel's Creative Composer 212 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 8 M a r k G ove r n o r B r i n g s H i s E c l e c t i c S t y l e t o F o l k t a l e W i n e r y B Y M I C H A E L C H AT F I E L D F or many years, Monterey Peninsula communities—especially Carmel—have been a virtual magnet for creative people of all disciplines. All find that the natural beauty of this place and the supportive, accepting nature of its inhabitants are highly conducive to the care, feeding and fueling of their respective muses. One such artist is Mark Governor, a composer whose list of film and television credits include such well-known and diverse projects as "Pet Sematary Two," "Friends," "Notes from Underground," "SpongeBob SquarePants" and the "Hobbit" trilogy. In his short time in Carmel, Governor has made a name for himself via his work with the music pro- gram at Folktale Winery in Carmel Valley. Governor hails from Boston. A natural writer, he earned a full journal- ism scholarship, but he gave it up to pursue his passion for music. "That didn't thrill anybody," he recalls. "My father didn't speak to me for a while." The young musician was mostly self-taught. "I studied independently and got into the music department of UMass," Governor recalls. "I embraced it, studying classical music while playing in