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Carmel," the composer says. "I told her, 'I think I could live here.'" Perusing Craigslist, Governor found a great deal on a house for rent. "A real anomaly," he says, "but I didn't know that at the time." He signed a one-year lease. "Driving home, I couldn't believe what I'd just done, but it was only a year." Most of his work is delivered online, so it doesn't make much difference where he is. "For the first six months, no one realized I wasn't in LA," he laughs. He has no regrets. "I had a meeting in Santa Monica with a producer. He drove from LA. I flew from Monterey and got there first." Governor plans to record the touring artists who perform at Folktale. "The current idea is to create a mobile rig to record anywhere on the property," he says. Another project is a new Folktale wine brand, "Talking Animals." Each vintage will be tied into music by one of the acts recorded there. The first features singer LOLO. The limited-edition Pinot Noir includes a download of her "Live at Folktale" EP. Four years or so on, it looks like Mark Governor is here to stay, and he's earned a spot as a valued and respected member of the close-knit Monterey Peninsula music community. 218 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 8 Governor is known for combining orchestral and rock elements. Here, he conducts for "Pet Sematary Two." Highly prolific, Governor produced and performed on a plethora of recordings. He's penned two productions for the Los Angeles Rock Opera Co: "shAme," an adaptation of "The Scarlet Letter," and "Possession: The Legend of El Rojo." Photo: Andy Caulfield