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The late Canadian architect and urban planner Arthur Erickson once said, "Great buildings that move the spirit have always been rare. In every case they are unique, poetic, products of the heart." In the neighborhoods of the Monterey Peninsula, we're lucky to have a plethora of those prod- ucts of the heart, and many have sprung from the fertile minds of Carmel's Studio Schicketanz. Studio Schicketanz is more than an architectural firm; it offers interior design services as well. The company's open, airy Barnyard office space hums with a youthful, creative energy that is focused on delivering superb design focused on sense of place and on its clients. Founder, President and Principal Architect Mary Ann Gabriele Schicketanz, AIA takes a non-ego- tistical approach to the work performed here, meaning that when you see a Studio Schicketanz structure, it doesn't scream "Studio Schicketanz Designed Me." "Our work is a reaction to the site and the clients we encounter," she says. "When young people come to work for us, one of the first things I make clear is that we strive to be an architectural practice that reacts to a given site and the client's needs and not to create art-driven, recognizable objects." 222 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 8 "Mary Ann's work has a distinct relationship with its natural environment," says architect and author Pierluigi Serraino. She utilizes materials native to the site whenever possible. Photos: Bob Canfield