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258 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 8 Walter Georis views this wine as an homage to his longtime friend filmmaker Bruce Brown. Georis wrote and performed music for Brown's most famous work. "chasing summer" around the world. Brown, August and Hynson first stopped in Senegal and Ghana, but were disappointed until finding and documenting what they sought: the mythical "perfect wave" at Cape St. Francis, South Africa. Surfing has become synonymous with an easy-going lifestyle—think Jimmy Buffet meets the Beach Boys. But far from being the ragtag bunch of beach bums that was the popular mid-centur y image of those who rode the waves in mid-20th centu- r y America, many of today's surfers are afflu- ent professionals. "I know many Silicon Valley tech people that surf," Georis says. "In fact, I believe it's those guys who are responsible for the growth of Santa Cruz. They wanted to be closer to the waves." This new wave of surfers are also con- sumers of the finer things in life, and those include good wine. There are three varietals in the initial release of The Endless Summer, the 2017 vintage made by winemaker Dane Sanvido, who also crafts the wines of Georis' other brands, Georis and Cowgirl. The white is Chenin Blanc made from fruit sourced in Paicines (San Benito County); the rosé is predominantly Syrah from San Lucas; and the red is a Grenache from Arroyo Seco. "We strive for wines with a good balance of fruit, body and acidity," says Sanvido. "They are approachable, but not in a simple way." Georis agrees. "They're easy drinking. If you watch the movie, you'll see that its content is similar to the wine in its complexities and nuances. The wines pay tribute to the film." Georis also views The Endless Summer wines as a celebration of the life and work of his friend Bruce Brown. "This thing has lived for more than 50 years," Georis says. "The search for the perfect wave, the perfect life, the perfect wine…is potentially endless." Production of the initial 2017 release of The Endless Summer was limited to 250 cases of each of the three. They are available at the Georis Winery tasting room at 1 Pilot Road in Carmel Valley Village and at select retailers along the California coast. An event celebrating the release of The Endless Summer wines is being planned. Visit for updates. The sport and its image have come a long way since the 1950s, when Brown first started surfing in Long Beach. Photo: Courtesy of Bruce Brown Films