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and cold water, USB ports for charging electron- ics, walking sticks, lanterns, an ice chest and teak bathroom facilities in luxury trailers nearby. "The glamping is an amazing experience," says Jetton. "It's wonderful for the kids to discov- er and inspire and create. There is a little stream to walk up to and collect flowers. Most people go hiking during the day. At night, you can make s'mores by the fire and watch the stars come out. You are able to enjoy a camping experience with some luxury fire pits and the coziness of the tents. Our guests have absolutely loved it." An Airstream trailer known as the Sur Stream serves glampers breakfast wraps, snacks, picnic items, wine, beer, and craft cocktails. Guests can also dine at the Sur House restaurant, situated high above the ocean, where Executive Chef Paul Corsentino picks eggs and produce from the organic garden. Local seafood and free-range meat make up the seasonally appropriate menu which offers items like Kona Kampachi poke with passion- fruit, tobiko, smoked pineapple avocado and hiji- ki; chickpea panisse with date puree, Shishito 286 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 8 The property's organic garden and chickens provide vegetables and eggs. The new terrace at the Sur House restaurant offers outstanding views of the Pacific. Suites have the choice of Jacuzzi tubs, outdoor showers and hammocks.