Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, Summer/Fall 2018

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Photos by Kelli Uldall 294 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 8 ~ T H E P E N I N S U L A S C E N E ~ Carmel Bach Festival Gala Kristie Lu Stout,Jessica Yansouni, Sherry Chen T The Carmel Bach Festival gala was held at the Monterey Peninsula County Club. The annual event is the organization's biggest fundraiser and is the traditional kick-off to the two-week Festival. This year's gala celebrated the iconic organization's 81st anniversary, and more than 170 guests toasted the beginning of another Festival. It was the most successful Gala in the Festival's history. Agustya & Amber Mehta, Connie & Ken Hess Dave Nee, Paul Godwin, Julie Nee Sandra Brown, Alice Kuechler, Victoria Donald, Jeanne Yansouni Marika Holmqvist, Sarah Darling, Scott Seward Didier Legall, Sarasina & Mike Tuchen Alan & Christine Kemp Susan DuCoeur, John Young, Debra Gilbreath Gerald Fronterhouse, Annette Simmons, Michelle & Bob Axley Gloria Souza, Sandie Borthwick David Glickman, Julie Capili Suzanne Dorrance, Adriana Ribeiro Ed & Pat Milowicki Gil & Aprille Lucero Elaine DeMarco, Susan Raab Fran Lozano, Betsy Pearson, Steve Pearson, Jean Brenner Photos: DMT Imaging

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