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Photos by Kelli Uldall 296 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 8 ~ T H E P E N I N S U L A S C E N E ~ 25th Annual Carmel Art Festival Art Buyers Reception Hella Rothwell, Pamela Crabtree P ast ar t buyers of the Carmel Ar t Festival had a first chance to view and bid on 120 exhibition paintings produced by 60 juried plein air ar tists in this year's competition. The reception was themed "High-Style Western" with sponsor Burns Cowboy Shop, food donated by Village Corner Restaurant and wine by Albatross Ridge Winery. The all-volunteer nonprofit festival raises funds for the local Youth Ar ts Collective. Steve Snider, Jan Reimers, Bobby Richards Delia Bradford, Rick Forschino Lisa Bryan, Mario Simic, Catherine Fasciato Joe Mancuso, Scott Hamill, Wayne McKenzie Susan Lukowski, Michelle Wilkinson Lu Luo, Michael & Annie Situ Jan & Jim Hustler, Cathy Stokes Sandra & Rich Pepe, Cindy Wilbur Azniv Amirkhanian, Ann Pendleton, Carolyn Hardy, Carrie Theis Steven Whyte, Ellen Wilson, Leslie & Conway Jones Joaquin Turner, Amy Ward Marcus Erixon, Susan Jones Liz Bonham, Steve Dallas Shariah Kamnikar, Evan Snider Photos: Kelli Uldall