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Photos by Kelli Uldall 300 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 8 ~ T H E P E N I N S U L A S C E N E ~ Monterey Symphony's Derby Day Mary & Max Bragado, Maureen Sanders T he Monterey Symphony's Derby Day at the InterContinental Hotel on Cannery Row featured performances from the Symphony's principal musicians and enter tainment from Dave Holodiloff and Friends. Dan Green from KSBW and Dr. Todd Samra, the Symphony's musicologist, lead the full house through the afternoon, raising funds for music education and other ar tistic endeavors. Kristan Neubecker, Linda Humber, Georgia Nevarez Virginia Marine, Deanna Ross Rebecca Rosen, Shirley & Lee Rosen Sophia & Dan Witting Laura Lembo, Susan Britton, Molly Hedges Judi Zaches, Betty Bunce Jan Loomis, Hersch & Shirley Loomis Dave & Judi Zaches, Lynn & William Kern Rory & Elizabeth Glass Farkhad Khudyev, Marjeela Basij-Rasikh Nancy & Bill Doolittle Nicola & Todd Samra Tom & Shirley Kiatto Vournee Nolto, JT Rethke Theodore Balestreri, Cretia Butler, Robert Chestnut, Randi Rogers Photos: Glenn Fidler