Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, Summer/Fall 2018

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Carmel Craft Brew Pub Comes to the Barnyard B Y M I C H A E L C H AT F I E L D T wo area microbrewers are joining forces to open a brew pub in the Barnyard Shopping Village in Carmel. Monterey Brewing Company, founded by Mark Fitch and Scott Coming, along with Dean Hatfield of Carmel Valley Brewing Company, are merging into Carmel Craft. Both companies will continue to produce their flagship suds, Mad Otter Ale and Carmel Valley Pale Ale, Blond and IPA, respectively. Brewing facilities will be on site. "In phase one, we plan to produce about 200 barrels a year," Fitch says, "and closer to 1,000 in phase two." The brew pub, located on the ground floor behind Allegro Gourmet Pizzeria, will initially comprise a small space augmented by out- door patio seating. "Our goal is to be open by Car Week, and that begins August 20," says Fitch. In addition to the beers the two breweries now produce, taps will rotate with others' prod- ucts, such as Alvarado Brewing Company and Peter B's. "We believe in having a strong core and play- ing around the edges," Fitch says. While food won't be offered initially, the part- ners have arranged with Allegro and other Barnyard eateries to provide meals to its patrons. "We don't want to compete with them, we want to collaborate," Fitch asserts. Carmel Craft Brewing Company is located at 3777 The Barnyard, Carmel. To learn more, call 831/776-3379 or visit SHORTCUTS BUSINESS Marco Herrera, Michael Smith, Dean Hatfield, Mark Fitch, Scott Coming, and Greg Szmania give a toast to the upcoming opening of Carmel Craft Brewing Company. 96 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 8 Photo: Kelli Uldall

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