Tablets & Capsules April 2019 41
Granulation, Tabletting and Capsule
Technology. April 15-18 in New
Brunswick, NJ. Conducted by the
Center for Professional Advancement.
(, 732 238 1600).
EyeforPharma Philadelphia April
16-17 in Philadelphia, PA. (www.eye, +44 207
375 7203).
Pharmaceutical Compliance Con-
gress. April 16-18 in Washington,
DC. Conducted by CBI. (www.cbi, 339
298 2157).
Microtab Compression & Film Coat-
ing. April 17 in Telford, PA. Con-
ducted by Natoli Scientific. (natoli.
com, 636 926 8900).
Ensuring Regulatory Compliance of
GMP Laboratories. April 23 in Den-
ver, CO. Conducted by EAS Consult-
ing. (, 571
447 5500).
CMC Workshop. April 23-25 in
North Bethesda, MD. Conducted by
Drug Information Association. (www., 215 442 6100).
The Drug Development Process from
Concept to Market. April 24-26 in
London, UK. Conducted by Center
for Professional Innovation & Educa-
tion. (, 610 648 7550).
Introduction to Tablet Press Opera-
tions. April 25 in Cypress, CA. Con-
ducted by Natoli TCR. (,
636 926 8900).
CMC Writing and Submission Strate-
gies: A Global Regulatory Approach.
April 29-30 in Burlingame, CA. Con-
ducted by the Center for Professional
Advancement. (, 732
238 1600).
CPhI North America. April 30-May 2
in Chicago, IL. Conducted by UBM.
(, 212
600 3000.)
The Drug Development Process from
Concept to Market. May 1-3 in Los
Angeles, CA. Conducted by Center
for Professional Innovation & Educa-
tion. (, 610 648 7550).
MAGI Clinical Research Conference
East. May 5-8 in Boston MA. Con-
ducted by Model Agreements and
Guidelines International. (www.magi, 650 465 0119).
Integration of Risk Management Prin-
ciples and Activities into the Quality
System. May 6-7 in Malvern, PA.
Conducted by Center for Professional
Innovation & Education. (www.cfpie.
com, 610 648 7550).
Good Clinical Practices (GCP) & Risk
Based Monitoring - Understanding
and Implementing Current Global
Requirements. May 6-8 in Malvern,
PA. Conducted by Center for Profes-
sional Innovation & Education. (www., 610 648 7550).
Dietary Supplement GMP Refresher
Training. May 7 in Denton, TX. Con-
ducted by EAS Consulting. (eascon, 571 447 5500).
Granulation and Compression Work-
shop. May 7 in Salt Lake City, UT.
Conducted by Fette Compacting and
Glatt. (973 586 8722 x226, kyaza@
Excipient World. May 7-8 in National
H a r b o r , M D . C o n d u c t e d b y
IPEC-Americas. (,
571 814 3449).
Encapsulation Training. May 7-9 in
Cleveland, OH. Conducted by Tech-
ceuticals. (,
216 658 8038).
Vitafoods Europe. May 7-9 in
Geneva, Switzerland. Conducted by
Informa. (, +44
2070 176 297).
Cannabis Tablets: Common Issues,
Tips, and Solutions. May 8-9 in
Cypress, CA. Conducted by Natoli's
Tablet Compression Resource Service
& Training Center. (, 636
926 8900).
Analytical Methods Validation for
FDA Compliance. May 13-15 in
Amsterdam, Netherlands. Conducted
b y t h e C e n t e r f o r P r o f e s s i o n a l
Advancement. (, 732
238 1600).
Principles of Solid Dosage Forms.
May 13-17 in Madison, WI. Con-
ducted by UW–Madison School of
Pharmacy. (
edu, 608 265 2259).
Dietary Supplement GMP Refresher
Training. May 14 in Riverside, CA.
Conducted by EAS Consulting. (eas, 571 447 5500).
Hands-On Tablet Coating. May 14-16
in Binzen, Germany. Conducted by
Technology Training Center. (www., +49 7621 664 308).
Secrets of Batch Process Scale-Up.
May 14-16 in Boston, MA. Conducted
by Scientific Update. (www.scientific, +44 1435 873 062).
21 CFR 111 Dietary Supplement
GMP Overview. May 15-16 in Den-
ver, CO. Conducted by NSF. (www., 734 769 8010).
Design Validation, Verification, and
Risk Analysis for Medical Device Pro-
fessionals. May 15-16 in Malvern, PA.
Conducted by Center for Professional
Innovation & Education. (www.cfpie.
com, 610 648 7550).
CMC Regulatory Compliance for
Biopharmaceuticals & Biosimilars.
May 15-17 in London, UK. Con-
ducted by Center for Professional
Innovation & Education. (www.cfpie.
com, 610 648 7550).
European Clinical Trials Inspection
Readiness Summit. May 16-17 in Lon-
don, UK. Conducted by ExL Events.
866 207 6528).
Top 10 Ways to Get a Warning Let-
ter. May 17 in Denver, CO. Con-
ducted by NSF. (, 734
769 8010).
Hands-on Course in Tablet Technol-
ogy. May 19-25 in University, MS.
Conducted by the University of Mis-
sissippi School of Pharmacy. (tab, 662 915 7341).
Annual European Pharma Congress.
May 20-22 in Zurich, Switzerland.
Conducted by Conference Series.
com, 213 233 9462).