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The FDA, USP, and the dissolu- tion testing community have been very active in providing increased guidance for tablet and capsule dis- solution. T he areas specif ically include immediate-release dosage forms, disintegration, capsules, split tablets, discriminatory methods, and alcohol dose dumping. FDA guidances The FDA has recently issued a number of useful guidances [1]. For example, the guidance, "Use of Liq- uids and/or Soft Foods as Vehicles for Drug Administration: General Con- siderations for Selection and In Vitro Methods for Product Quality Assess- ments," gives instructions for how to assess the effect on dissolution when the dosage forms are delivered in a vehicle such as apple sauce. The guidance, "Tablet Scoring: Nomen- clature, Labeling, and Data for Evalu- ation," provides the way to compare dissolution results of split versus non- split tablets. The guidance, "Quality Attribute Considerations for Chew- able Tablets," provides instructions for developing a dissolution testing method for chewable tablets. While the FDA guidances, "Drug Products, Including Biological Prod- ucts, that Contain Nanomaterials" and "Liposome Drug Products" are not particularly helpful in providing suggestions for in vitro testing meth- ods for nanomaterials and liposomes, they do give some pertinent infor- mation on these dosage forms. A summary of recent guidances would not be complete without a reference to the finalized guidance, "Dissolution Testing and Acceptance Criteria for Immediate-Release Solid Oral Dosage Form Drug Products Containing High Solubility Drug Substances." This important guid- ance for highly soluble immedi- ate-release dosage forms gives 0.1 N HCL, paddle at 50 rpm (or basket at 100 rpm), 500 milliliters as the pre- scribed conditions and sets the spec- ification at 80 percent in 30 minutes. It also states that showing discrimi- natory power is not necessary for these fast-dissolving dosage forms. USP USP has provided in vitro testing methods for dosage forms other than conventional tablets and capsules in a proposed new chapter, <1711> "Oral Solid Dosage Forms—Disso- lution Testing." The dosage forms discussed in the chapter include effervescent tablets, chewable tab- lets, sublingual tablets, orally disinte- grating tablets, gastroretentive tab- lets, granules or pellets administered with food or beverages, and loz- enges. Another proposed chapter, <1236> "Solubility Measurements," provides instr uctions on how to determine the solubility of drug sub- stances and the composition of biorelevant media. The USP general chapter <701> "Disintegration" has revision proposals that combine and add dosage form testing procedures. USP has also proposed two new monographs for capsule shells: hard gelatin capsule shells and hard hypromellose capsule shells. These monographs have storage conditions and other tests worth examining. These chapters and monograph pro- posals are available for viewing and comment for free at By now, everyone involved with dissolution testing should know about papain and bromelain, the two additional enzymes (along with pep- sin and pancreatin) that can be used in the media when testing cross- linked capsules. The activity of these enzymes is important. Bromelain is listed as a reagent in the reagent specification section in USP, and its activity determination can be found within that description. For papain, there is a monograph, which includes a casein digestive power test. USP is upd ating the premier resource for method development and validation for conventional dos- age forms: <1092> "USP General Informational Dissolution Procedure: Development and Validation." The USP general informational chapter <1088> "In Vitro and In Vivo Evalua- tion of Dosage Form" is also going through an update. Other publications Members of the A APS in vitro release and dissolution testing com- munity have published informative and interesting papers on alcohol dose dumping (DOI: 10.1186/s41120- 017-0014-9), strategy to developing d is c r iminator y method s ( D OI: 10.1208/s12249-018-1197-7), and a review article on USP Apparatus 2 perfor mance verification testing (DOI: 10.14227/DT260119P6). The August 2018 issue of Dissolution Tech- nologies was a special edition of review articles that included the topics of in vivo and in vitro correlations (DOI: 10.14227/DT250318P20), disintegra- tion (DOI: 10.14227/DT250318P30), and fiber optics (DOI: 10.14227/ DT250318P70). T&C Reference 1. https://w w w.fd ugs / guidancecomplianceregulatoryinfor- mation/guidances/default.htm. Vivian A. Gray is president of V.A. Gray Consulting, Hockessin, DE (vagray@, and managing director of Dissolution Tech- nologies, a peer-reviewed journal dedi- cated to dissolution testing issues (www. d i s s o l u t i o n t e c h. com). She is also a member of Tablets & Capsules' edito- rial advisory board. b a c k p a g e Recent in vitro release testing activities, including FDA and USP