
2019 MGPD Fall Activity Guide

Morton Grove Park District Activity Guide

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/1148665

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HIT ZONE BE SURE TO TRY OUT ALL THE AMENITIES Morton Grove Park District | 6834 Dempster Street | (847) 965-1200 | mortongroveparks.com 24 NEW 2019 Virtual Fitness Classes Members have access to a variety of pro- gramming that accommodates every age, ability and interest. High Intensity Interval Training, Yoga, Pilates, Circuit Training, Strength Training, Kickboxing, Core, Cycle and more. 60 MINUTES OF WELLNESS COACHING SESS RESIDENT /CF MEMBER RATE NON- RESIDENT FIVE $195 $243 TEN $380 $475 30 MINUTES OF WELLNESS COACHING SESS RESIDENT /CF MEMBER RATE NON- RESIDENT FIVE $100 $125 TEN $190 $237 Cancellation Policy all appointments must be cancelled 24 hours prior to the session or clients will be charged the full price. Katherine Aguirre DiPietro is the author of two books: Building Healthy Habits and Balanced Change, Beyond Healthy Habits. NEW Wellness Coaching It is the combination of diet, exercise and daily health routines that creates lasting results. Research shows that those who focus more on what they eat while getting regular fi tness activity produce the best results. Keeping that in mind, why not take the initiative and let us help you reach your health goals. INITIAL CONSULTATION (1 hour) This one-time consultation will give you all the information you need to start making healthy decisions. Included is an initial analysis of current health and diet choices, goal and objective creation, observational analysis and nutritional training. AGE 14 AND OVER LOC: Wellness Room FEE: R $40/NR $50 NEW Nutrition Counseling with a Registered Dietitian Develop a healthier lifestyle by fi rst understanding the nutrients your body needs to stave off disease and support good health. Registered Dietitian Susan Stein will help you make healthy changes to your diet and target specifi c behaviors. 90 MINUTES INITIAL CONSULTATION SESSION $110 60 MINUTES MINUTE FOLLOW-UPS SESSION $80 September Special Introductory Package Save $20 Initial Consultation ONLY $90. Must schedule your initial consultation by September 30, 2019. To make an appointment with our Registered Dietitian please contact Susan Stein directly at 847-502-1359. Virtual Fitness Classes are included in all annual fi tness memberships. Members have access to a variety of programming that accommodates every age, ability and interest. High Intensity Interval Training, Yoga, Pilates, Circuit Training, Strength Training, Kickboxing, Core, Cycle and more. Check out the online schedule mortongroveparks.com/virtualschedule/ M-NASR is proud to support injured veterans of all areas in our community! Please contact Wendy Springgate at M-NASR at (847) 966-5522.

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