Machinery Lubrication

Machinery Lubrication September-October 2019

Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation

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M aintenance and Reliabilit y AS I SEE IT Jim Fitch | Noria Corporation The Power of Truthful Assessments in Jumpstarting a Reliability Transformation One of the best exam- ples of courage is the man who asks to hear what he doesn't want to hear. While it's human nature to fear or dread bad news, the wisest among us will frequently ask for it. Why? Because winners change what losers want to leave the same. Change starts by asking or investigating what's wrong. is quest begins the assessment stage of programmatic transformations in reliability. Assessments are also referred to as audits, surveys, bench- marking and gap analysis. It can't stop there. The next step is equally diffi cult and perhaps moves you out of your comfort zone. You must accept or acknowl- edge what is wrong. Many people instinctively want to play defense. You've seen how they respond during a substance-abuse inter vention. Denial may even lead to lashing out at others to shift focus. Tunnel vision and denial impair real progress. Acceptance initiates corrective action. e world rewards action, but any action is not good enough. Leverage the experience of others who have done what you're trying to achieve. Ensure there is no commer- cial bias. While do-it-yourselfers may have confi dence, history has shown that many are met with a succession of scrubbed missions. It's better to learn from the mistakes of others. Swallow your pride and get a professional to coach you through the process. Engineering and planning come before physical action or change. Make sure it's careful and detailed, in other words "good engineering." Consult standards that document the unifi ed opinions of experts, such as ICML 55. Stack the deck by focusing fi rst on quick kills and low-hanging fruit, especially opportunities where there is solid economic benefi t. Deployment is next. You will be met by challenges, resistance, obsta- cles and setbacks. Stay the course but accept the occasional necessity of moderate course corrections. Don't stop executing. Change frequently is followed by entropy, which refers to the natural transition from order to disorder (second law of thermo- dynamics). Just as rocks weather and crumble, iron rusts and people grow old, new systems and practices will age, degrade and lose eff ective- ness. e fi ght against entropy is the concept behind sustainability. e best strategy here is kaizen or "Change starts by asking or investigating what's wrong. is quest begins the assessment stage of programmatic transformations in reliability." 2 | September - October 2019 | www . A D D S Foundation & Business Case for Change Get Professional Help. Develop Master Plan Steadfast Resistance to Obstacles & Setbacks Kaizen & Asset Management Truthful & Penetrating Conditions What's Controllable & Beneficial DESIGN Execution With Grit DEPLOY Stop Drift Back S USTAIN ASSESS Figure 1. ADDS defi nes the four stages of a reliability transformation.

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