Machinery Lubrication

Machinery Lubrication September-October 2019

Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation

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40 | September - October 2019 | www . GET TO KNOW Name: Rene Viso Age: 54 Job Title: Reliability Engineer Company: Unilin-Mohawk Location: Mount Gilead, North Carolina Length of Service: 3 years Viso Looks to Apply AI at Unilin-Mohawk Rene Viso has enjoyed a long and varied career, getting his start in lubrication 25 years ago as the head of international sales for a local lubricant manufacturer in Venezuela. He later worked for GE-Bently Nevada as a machine diagnostic fi eld engineer and as the general manager for Mantenimiento Trading Corp. For the past three years, Viso has served as a reliability engineer for Unilin-Mohawk. During his career, he has utilized numerous technologies, including vibration, infrared and oil analysis, and is excited to begin applying artifi cial intelligence (AI) in the near future to help increase his plant's detection capabilities. Q: What types of training have you taken to reach your current position? A: I have had training in oil analysis, machinery lubrica- tion, vibration, thermography, nondestructive testing (NDT) and Six Sigma. Q: What professional certi- fi cations have you attained? A: I have been a mechanical engineer since 1987. Q: A re you planning to obtain additional training or achieve higher certifi cations? A : I plan to obtain the M a c h i n e r y L u b r i c a t i o n Engineer (MLE) and Certi- f i e d M a i n t e n a n c e a n d R e l i a b i l i t y P r o f e s s i o n a l (CMR P) certifications. Q: What's a normal work day like for you? A: I begin at 7 a.m. with a safety meeting and exercises in our maintenance shop. At 8:30 a.m., we have a work-orders revision meeting. After these meetings, it is a normal, busy day. If everything goes well, the work day fi nishes at 4 p.m. with planning for the next day. Q: What is the amount and range of equipment that you help service through lubrica- tion/oil analysis tasks? A: We are responsible for the lubrication of approximately 550 assets, and we handle 125 oil samples monthly. Q: On what lubrication- related projects a re you currently working? A: I am working to improve our equipment information and cleanliness levels as well as to install online oil moni- toring sensors. Q: W hat have been some o f t h e b i g g e s t p r oj e c t successes in which you've played a part? A: The consolidation of the Unilin-Mohawk reliabilit y project has been a success as well as the installation of all types of online sensors, such a s temperature, vibration, infrared, oil ana lysis, etc. We currently are working on the consolidation of all disci- plines in our plant to begin to apply AI. Q: What do you see as some of the more important trends taking place in the lubrica- tion and oil analysis fi eld? A: We constantly expand the reach of our lubricant analysis program. e last addition was grease sampling during produc- tion of our large, low-speed bearings. ML Be Featured in the Next 'Get to Know' Section Would you like to be featured in the next "Get to Know" section or know someone who should be profi led in an upcoming issue of Machinery Lubrication magazine? Nominate yourself or fellow lubri- cation professionals by emailing a photo and contact information to

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