Welcom e to M a c h i n e r y Lu b ri catio n's B ook s tore, de sign e d to sp otlight lubric ation -
relate d b ook s . For a complete lis ting of b ook s of intere s t to lubric ation profe s sionals , c h e c k o u t t h e B o o k s t o r e a t s t o r e . n o r i a . co m .
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Use the Correct Oil
Machinery Lubrication I Study Pack
See page 31 for the next scheduled training class.
• Flash Card Pack
• 125-question Practice Exam
• How to Take a Multiple-Choice Exam
• Machinery Lubrication Reference Guide
• Oil Analysis Basics
• e Practical Handbook of
Machinery Lubrication
Reliable Plant 2019
Format: Online
Noria Corporation
If you missed the learning
sessions at Reliable Plant 2019,
you can still get the conference proceedings through
the Noria Learning Portal. It includes the papers and
presentations from nearly every educational session.
e real-world case studies at Reliable Plant 2019 were
full of practical, experience- based information and
tools for lubrication and reliability programs.
Integrated Reliability:
Condition Monitoring
and Maintenance of
Author: John Osarenren
is book incorporates reliable engi-
neering and mathematical modeling
to help you move toward sustainable
development in reliability condition monitoring
and maintenance. It introduces a cost-eff ective
integrated reliability growth monitor, integrated
reliability degradation monitor, technological
inheritance coeffi cient sensors, and a mainte-
nance tool that supplies real-time information
for predicting and preventing potential failures of
manufacturing processes and equipment.
Machinery Condition
Monitoring: Principles
and Practices
Author: Amiya
Ranjan Mohanty
Providing the working prin-
ciples behind the important
elements of machines as well as the techniques to
understand their conditions, this book presents
every available method of machine fault detection.
It draws on the author's more than two decades of
experience with machinery condition monitoring
and consulting while introducing the practicing
engineer to the techniques used to eff ectively detect
and diagnose faults in machines.
In-Service Lubricant
and Machine Analysis,
Diagnostics, and
Author: ASTM International
is compilation of the Journal
of ASTM International (JAI)
contains papers presented at a
symposium on in-service lubricant and machine anal-
ysis, diagnostics and prognostics held Dec. 8, 2010, in
Jacksonville, Florida. It includes recent developments
in online oil condition monitoring sensors and align-
ment with ASTM methods and practices, an overview
of progress and new developments in FTIR lubricant
condition monitoring methodology, guidelines for
alarm limits and trend analysis, and more.
September - October 2019