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42 October 2019 Tablets & Capsules eye on excipients Javier Camargo and Carolina Diaz Quijano Omya This edition of "Eye on excipients" dis- cusses the pros and cons of direct- compression tableting and describes a study conducted to test the benefits of adding dry binders to direct-compression tablet formulations. Compressed tablets continue to be the most popular pharmaceuti- cal dosage form [1]. They provide higher content uniformity and are easier to administer at home than syr ups or suspensions. They also provide superior chemical, micro- biological, and mechanical stabil- ity when compared to other solid dosage forms, such as lyophilized tablets. Additionally, compressed tablets are the most cost-efficient dosage for m, as they ar e easier to transport and store than other for ms and can also be desig ned for fast disintegration (ODTs) and immediate, delayed, or targeted drug release. Compressed tablets can be made using a wet-granulation process fol- lowed by compression or simply by direct compression (DC). DC tableting has been steadily increas- Figure 1 Direct-compression tableting versus wet and dry granulation Wet granulation Dry granulation Direct compression Weighing & deagglomeration Weighing & deagglomeration Weighing & deagglomeration Mixing Mixing Admixing Granulation solution Compacting Tableting Wet massing Milling Wet screening Screening Drying Admixing Classifying/milling Tableting Admixing Tableting • Higher chemical stability • Faster dissolution • Less formulation work • Less capital investment • Lower manufacturing costs • Higher risk of segregation • Less dilution potential • Less compactability (poor reworkability) • Higher ingredient costs