54 October 2019 Tablets & Capsules
SupplySide West. October 15-19 in
Las Vegas, NV. Conducted by Informa
(west.supplysideshow.com, 480 281
Ultimate Guide to Compression
Tooling. October 16-17 in Notting-
ham, UK. Conducted by I Holland
(www.iholland.co.uk, +44 115 972
Industrial Hygiene in the Pharmaceu-
tical Industry. October 22-23 in Dub-
lin, Ireland. Conducted by SafeBridge
Consultants (www.safebridge.com,
650 961 4820).
Tablet Press Workshop. October
22-23 in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Con-
ducted by Fette Compacting (www.
fette-compacting-america.com, 973
586 8722).
Basics of Tablet Manufacturing &
Troubleshooting. October 22-24 in
St. Charles, MO. Conducted by Natoli
Engineering (natoli.com, 636 926
Practical Crystallization & Polymor-
phism. October 24-25 in Madrid,
Spain. Conducted by Scientific
Update (www.scientificupdate.com,
+44 1435 873 062).
ISPE Annual Meeting & Expo. Octo-
ber 27-30 in Las Vegas, NV. Con-
ducted by International Society for
Pharmaceutical Engineers (www.ispe.
org, 301 364 9201).
Coating Technologies. October
29-30 in Cleveland, OH. Conducted
by Techceuticals (www.techceuticals.
com, 216 658 8038).
Internal Auditor Training Workshop.
October 29-30 in Watford, UK. Con-
ducted by NSF (www.nsf.org, 734 769
PharmSci 360. November 3-6 in San
Antonio, TX. Conducted by AAPS
(www.aaps.org/pharmsci, 703 248
GMP for Clinical Trials Manufacture
and Supply. November 4-7 in Amster-
dam, Netherlands. Conducted by NSF
(www.nsf.org, 734 769 8010).
Analysis & Testing - QP Module.
November 4-8 in York, UK. Con-
ducted by NSF (www.nsf.org, 734 769
CPhI Worldwide. November 5-7 in
Frankfurt, Germany. Conducted by
Informa (www.cphi.com/europe/, +31
207 081 637).
Chemical Development & Scale-Up
in the Fine Chemical & Pharmaceuti-
cal Industries. November 6-8 in
Amsterdam, Netherlands. Conducted
by Scientific Update (www.scientific
update.com, +44 1435 873 062).
AIChE Annual Meeting. November
10-15 in Orlando, FL. Conducted by
American Institute of Chemical Engi-
neers (www.aiche.org, 800 242 4363).
Pharmaceutical GMP Audits and
Self-Inspections. November 11-15 in
Amsterdam, Netherlands. Conducted
by NSF (www.nsf.org, 734 769 8010).
Excipient GMP Compliance Work-