RBS Activewear

RBS Winter 2020 Catalog

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/1286591

Contents of this Issue


Page 75 of 91

SCREEN PRINTING: Any time stock designs are not used it is considered a custom design. Custom designs will have additional art charges bases upon $60.00 per hour or $30.00 minimum. Please send or E-mail your custom design to office@rbsactivewear.com for a price quote. Your design will be kept on file for a minimum of two years. www.rbsactivewear.com www.rbsactivewear.com 75 75 BASKETBALL DESIGNS BASKETBALL DESIGNS 260bb 264bb 263bb 266bb 265bb 267bb 272bb 271bb 269bb 268bb 274bb 275bb 277bb 278bb 279bb

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