Tablets & Capsules


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22 October 2020 Tablets & Capsules A survey of what's available UV cold laser marker UV cold laser marker permanently marks pre-packaged or loose tablets and cap- sules of any size or shape with high-resolution, tamper-proof text, barcodes, and graphics. Because the markings provide a unique, verifiable identity for each and every dose, products can be tracked in real time through the supply chain to the final consumer, reducing the risk of counterfeiting and drug theft. Incorporated software allows users to quickly and easily change font design, size, wording, and graphics. UV laser marking is non-invasive and does not affect the makeup of the product. Marking process is not affected by environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity, and no special clean room or air filtration is required. Each unit is supported by the company's global service network and comes equipped with a DQ, IQ, and OQ validation package. Unit's control system is compliant with GAMP 5 and CFR part 11. Tri-Star Technologies, El Segundo, CA 310 567 9243 Printer with vision inspection Tabrex Rev printer uses digital inkjet printing to apply characters, numbers, and logos to one or both sides of coated and uncoated tablets and capsules. Thermal inkjet cartridges provide sharp imprinting while eliminating rubber rolls and recir- culating ink systems. Unit also optically inspects 100 percent of tablet surface for core and coating defects and print quality. Single-tablet rejection system identifies and diverts off-spec products. Unit can handle 100,000 tablets per hour in print-and-inspection mode and double that amount in inspection mode. Graphics can be created offline and transferred to the print controls via a USB connection. Freund-Vector, Marion, IA 319 377 8263 Printing and laser marking equipment Company offers printing and CO 2 laser marking/drilling equipment designed for continuous operation with accurate, repeatable results and minimal user interac- tion or downtime. Units accept bulk pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products of all shapes and sizes including round, oblong, and longitudinally compressed tab- lets, softgels, and hard-shell capsules. Systems are suitable for a variety of work- loads from high-volume, flatbed edible-ink printing of up to 1.2 million products per hour to manually operated laser marking for small lab-scale production, includ- ing clinical trials and dissolution testing. Units are portable and have small foot- prints and low maintenance costs. Features include user-friendly control panels with programmable settings for up to 50 products and quick product changeover. Options include a near-infrared vision inspection system with single-tablet rejec- tion and ink maintenance systems. Ackley Machine, Moorestown, NJ 856 234 3626 tablet and capsule identification

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