Tablets & Capsules


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32F October 2020 Tablets & Capsules Capsule filler FEC20 high-speed capsule filler uses servo and torque motors that provide inde- pendent, customizable control over all stages of the encapsulation process, opti- mizing speed and efficiency and enhancing operator safety. Capsule filler doses up to 200,000 capsules per hour and features a removable tamping pin and pellet sta- tions for manufacturing powder- and/or pellet-filled capsules. HMI control system is equipped with a recipe-driven setup and interactive user instruction that provide step-by-step workflows for critical processes. Unit's Tri.Easy design ensures quick and easy changeover, operation, and maintenance. Fette Compacting America, Rockaway, NJ 973 586 8722 nutra capsule filling Capsule filler ZRO 90T high-speed capsule filler doses up to 200,000 capsules per hour and provides accurate micro dosing up to 15 milligrams. Unit is ideal for filling difficult formulations, including sticky, fluffy, hygroscopic, heat sensitive, or free-flowing powders or formulations with a high percentage of fines. Capsule filler easily inte- grates with company's Accura capsule checkweighers. ACG Engineering, Piscataway, NJ 908 757 3425 Level switches DJ clean-in-place level switches detect high, intermediate, or low levels for bulk solid materials ranging from low-density flakes and powders to pellets and heavy granular materials. Nutraceutical applications include tablets, capsules, and soft- gels as well as excipients and other substances. Level switches measure dry bulk solids with densities ranging from less than 15 to greater than 60 pounds per cubic foot. Level switches rely on mechanical oscillations to detect whether the probe is covered or uncovered and send signals to a single-pole double-throw relay in the control unit. The relay contacts can be used to actuate alarms, indicator lights, or process control equipment. Level switches are ideal for operating in dusty environ- ments. Specialized switches can be used in temperatures exceeding 300°F or below freezing. All switches are approved for Class I, Group D; Class II, Groups E, F & G; and Class III services. Automation Products, Dynatrol Division, Houston, TX 800 231 2062

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