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28 October 2020 Tablets & Capsules A survey of what's available blister packaging LIW vibratory tray feeder Loss-in-weight (LIW) vibratory tray feeder is ideal for metering tablets directly to a blister packaging machine at feed rates ranging from 0.07 to 32 cubic feet per hour. Gentle vibration feeds tablets without causing damage. Load cells and KCM controller ensure high feeding accuracy, and easy-to-clean vibratory tray ensures quick and easy product changeover. Specialty control algorithms facilitate vibra- tory feeding without interrupting the LIW signal for accurate feed rate control. Coperion K-Tron, Sewell, NJ 201 327 6300 Blister feeder Combo frame blister feeder integrates many feeder types into one compact, standardized platform, allowing manufacturers to choose the best format for each product and facilitating the rapid exchange of format parts. Feeder formats include vibratory chute, box brush, rotary, tube, and roller. Feeder reduces blister line set-up time and limits the risk of cross contamination. Unit is suitable for packag- ing a variety of solid-dose products. Elizabeth Carbide Die, McKeesport, PA 412 751 3000 Blister packaging machines Hoong-A blister packaging machines are suitable for a wide range of products including tablets, capsules, and softgels and accept all common types of thermo- and cold-form materials. Depending on the model, outputs range from 150 to 900 blisters per minute. Model HM-V6 (photo) produces up to 200 blisters per minute. CAM-driven unit has a standard maximum material width of 250 millimeters (280 millimeters optional) and a maximum stroke of 145 millimeters. Features include fast mold changeover and a user-friendly touch screen for easy production, moni- toring, and data tracking. Blister packaging machine operates as a stand-alone unit or can be integrated with a downstream cartoner and bundler. Options include product detection/rejection, brush box, track feeding, and deep-draw, plug-assist blister forming. Key International, Cranbury, NJ 609 619 3685

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