Cannabis Patient Care - March/April 2022

Cannabis Patient Care March/April 2022

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13 march/april 2022 | cannabis patient care research focus these immune system cells to disengage the noxious immune response, thereby reducing inflammation, together with any associated pain (13–15). Mitigate Pain Signaling Cannabis can reduce chronic pain by inhibiting pain signals at dif- ferent points along pain signaling pathways to and from the brain. As illustrated in Figure 3, stimulus in the body that triggers a noxious response (say, in an injured finger) sends information signals along peripheral nerves and through the spine, where it is relayed as ascending input up to the brain. The brain then processes those signals and sends pain signals as descending signals back down to the spinal cord, which, in turn, relays the pain signals through the periphery to the site (16). Figure 1 Figure 2

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