Cannabis Patient Care - March/April 2022

Cannabis Patient Care March/April 2022

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cannabis patient care | vol. 3 no. 1 4 12 on the cover: Choo / ■ DATA FOCUS 08 Chronic Pain: Data Snapshot MEGAN L'HEUREUX AND TE TR AGR AM He re , Tet rag ram share s an ove r v ie w of some of the top four area s u se rs re p or ted on related to p ain to see what t y p e of pro duct s the y are f inding u se f ul , how the y are con s uming it , and more . ■ RE SE A RCH FOCUS 12 Overview of Research on Cannabis for Chronic Pain RUTH FISHER In thi s ar t icle , Ruth F i she r, e x plore s the promine nce of cannabi s b e ing u sed to t reat chronic p ain p at ie nt s and data f rom st udie s detailing how b e ne f ic ial it can b e . ■ DOC TOR FOCUS 18 The Doctor Who Changed Her Patient– Doctor Paradigm Through Cannabis DAVID HODES He re , D r. Michelle We ine r share s he r jour ne y to lear ning and pract ic ing cannabi s medic ine . ■ PATIENT FOCUS 24 Finding Relief with Cannabis DEBBIE CHURGAI Pat ie nt E lle n L e nnox Smith share s he r chronic p ain stor y and how cannabi s allowed he r to live he r life again . ■ RE SE A RCH FOCUS 26 Read the Research: What One Medical Writer Can Tell Us from Years of Compiling Data on Medical Cannabis Use for Chronic Pain Treatment, Opioid Addiction Management, and Enhancing Mindfulness ERIN MCE VOY D r. Uwe Ble sching prov ide s in s ight into the e x plorat ion of cannabi s a s a s upple me nt for chronic p ain t reat me nt , opioid addict ion mit igat ion , and the mind-b o dy b alance . ■ NUR SE FOCUS 30 Eyewitness: Cannabis Should Be the Chronic Pain Treatment Choice DAVID HODES Nurse Linda Ca sale di sc u s se s he r mi s s ion to get cannabi s on the li st of t reat me nt s to help t reat chronic p ain . ■ A DVOC AC Y FOCUS 33 Chronic Pain Advocacy: It's Time to Testify! MADELINE COLLI Nurse P ract it ione r Me F uimaono -Poe di sc u s se s how b ecoming an advo cate and a s s i st ing w ith leg i slat ion are the b e st tool s to help your state , communit y, and yourself gain acce s s to cannabi s and help othe rs . ■ DOC TOR FOCUS 36 Cannabinoids in a Pill? One Company's Research to Find the Next Cannabinoid-Based Medication MADELINE COLLI D r. Jame s Woo dy di sc u s se s the c ur re nt re search s ur rounding s y nthet ic cannabinoid s a s a t reat me nt for chronic p ain , a s well a s the de velopme nt of a ne w t y p e of medicat ion that would have the p ote nt ial to of fe r the b e ne f it s of cannabi s w ithout any unde s irable e f fect s . contents c a n n a b i s patient c a r e ® | m a r c h / a p r i l 2 0 2 2 | v o l 3 • n o 1 Follow us on social media for more updates on the cannabis industry! ® 6b9d44 @CannaPatientCare @CannPatientCare @CannabisPatientCare @CannabisPatientCare 6b9d44

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