Cannabis Patient Care - March/April 2022

Cannabis Patient Care March/April 2022

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The Cannabis Nurses Network Conference is a professional development and educa on conference designed exclusively for cannabis nurses and licensed medical professionals. JOIN US FOR THE 6TH ANNUAL CANNABIS NURSES NETWORK CONFERENCE CNNC is a unique 2-day educa onal opportunity for nurses, healthcare and licensed wellness pro- fessionals who are interested in advancing their exper se in cannabis medicine. Learn about science, research, and clinical appli- ca ons related to the human endocannabinoid system and cannabinoid therapeu cs from world- class experts during CNNC. CNNC will leave you balanced, empowered, knowledgeable, confident, and connected. Meet authors, researchers, and presenters while engaging in once-in-a-life me networking opportuni es during the CNN Member Mixer, Awards Show & VIP Party, and post-conference cannabis self-care experiences. Na onal nursing guidelines and recommenda ons regarding cannabis related issues have recently been published highligh ng required areas for nurses to seek con nued educa on. Cannabis Nurses Network is heeding the call to deliver this essen al educa on during CNNC. CANNABISNURSESNETWORK.COM/CNNC Register to a end: THE FUTURE OF NURSING Essential Knowledge for Endocannabinoid System Care

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