BioPharm International - September 2022

BioPharm International - September 2022

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28 BioPharm International ® Emerging Therapies 2022 eBook T he life sciences industry is seeing a robust trend in biotech incubator spaces geared to- ward fostering the growth of new and emerg- ing biotech startups. Incubators on a global scale are determined to grow life sciences innovation in tandem with economically developing local regions. Establishing an ecosystem Alloy Therapeutics, headquartered in Waltham, Mass., in the United States, is a biotechnology ecosystem company that enables biologics drug discovery, for instance. The company offers "pre-competitive technologies and ser- vices" to the drug discovery community as whole in an affordable, non-exclusive manner, says Errik Anderson, founder, CEO, and chairman of Alloy Therapeutics. "Our biotech ecosystem encompasses our affiliated Venture Studio, 82VS, which pairs our platforms and services with a team of company creation experts who can rapidly establish and successfully build new as- set-centric companies. 82VS provides these new com- panies with the laboratory space and resources of a typ- ical biotech incubator but goes far beyond what other incubators offer," Anderson says. The company thus provides cutting-edge scientific knowledge and insights, creates new platforms and ser vices on demand as needed to support individ- ual company needs, and offers well-honed company launch processes across legal, human resources, fi- nance, operations, and marketing. "Collectively this minimizes startup time and allows scientists to focus on advancing their novel ideas and promising thera- peutic pipelines," Anderson states. Meanwhile, LabShares Newton, a biotech incubator based in Newton, Mass., "provides lab space, extensive lab equipment, and a variety of services (e.g., environ- mental, safety, maintenance, purchasing) to help startup biotech firms quickly initiate and conduct research. Our members can focus on their science, and avoid having to deal with complex and expensive infrastructure and logistics," says Jeff Behrens, CEO, LabShares Newton. Biotech Incubators Cultivate a Global Scene Feliza Mirasol, science editor The growth of the biopharmaceuticals market is feeding back into economies and, in part, is driving the boom in life sciences and biotech ecosystems. NAK A - STOCK.ADOBE.COM

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