Machinery Lubrication

Machinery Lubrication - Reliable Plant - Anniversary Edition

Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation

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" For improvement to be possible, we must be able to measure; to measure, we must observe. " Scan QR code to read full, original article. 2 | Machinery Lubrication Anniversary Edition | www . SOFTWARE Why Lubrication Should Be Outside the CMMS For improvement to be possible, we must be able to measure; to measure, we must observe. is is where many people fall short in their lubrication program — there is no way to observe the program, so it can't be measured or improved. A great need exists in the industry for a method to manage the chaos associated with lubrication, and this need is a separate Lubrica- tion Management System (LMS) to manage and improve lubrication programs in industrial facilities effectively. While many organizations rely on computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS) to handle various tasks, it can be argued that lubrication requires dedicated attention due to its unique charac- teristics and long-term goals. Lubrication is defined as a collec- tion of activities that contribute to equipment reliability. However, it often gets buried within other data sets in CMMS, making it difficult to measure its effectiveness and optimize the lubrication program. To address this, facilities should implement an LMS to provide comprehensive infor- mation about lubrication activities, track and assign work, and plan for future events. ere are several reasons why lubrication should exist outside the CMMS and be managed separately in an LMS. First Seen in Machinery Lubrication, February 2023 Wes Cash | Noria Corporation A N N I V E R S A R Y E D I T I O N

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