Pharmaceutical Technology - October 2023

Pharmaceutical Technology - October 2023

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12 Pharmaceutical Technology ® Trends in Formulation 2023 eBook H_KO - STOCK.ADOBE.COM W hen considering manufacturing and the growth of drug formulation, it is evident that there has been change and many new advancements intro- duced to make processes more efficient. However, in terms of formulating highly potent drugs, their specific release requirements and poor aqueous bioavailability make them challenging to produce and analyze (1). Although there may be difficulties seen with an- alytical challenges, the strength of oral solid dosage (OSD) forms and the manufacture of all pharmaceuti- cal finished dosage forms continues to be prominent. According to research, the OSD market outlook is ex- pected to continue growing and have low production costs, even with the knowledge of how unpredictable formulation may become (2). Pharmaceutical Technology ® discussed new formula- tion trends with Shailesh Vengurlekar, senior VP of Quailty and Regulatory Affairs at LGM Pharma, and how the industry can go forward with these advance- ments, despite any challenges that may arise. Trends in formulation PharmTech: What are some trends that you are seeing in the formulation space, in terms of tablets or capsules? Vengurlekar (LGM Pharma): In the ever-evolving landscape of oral solid dosage pharmaceuticals, sev- eral noteworthy trends have emerged. First and foremost, there is a conspicuous surge in the adoption of continuous manufacturing processes. Continuous manufacturing offers several advantages, including enhanced efficiency, reduced production costs, and tighter control over drug product quality. This shift ref lects a growing recognition within the industry of the need for more streamlined and agile manufacturing processes to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape. Trends in Formulation for Highly Potent Drugs Jill Murphy is an Editor at Pharmaceutical Technology. When considering manufacturing and the growth of drug formulation, it is evident that there has been change and many new advancements introduced to make processes more efficient.

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