Pharmaceutical Technology - October 2023

Pharmaceutical Technology - October 2023

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10 Pharmaceutical Technology ® Trends in Formulation 2023 eBook Formul ation (opacifier and pigment), certain coating colors may not be suitable for use in Japan versus the United States. Online regulatory support allows users to ac- cess suitable color selections along with information as to why certain pigments are filtered out for some regions. Embedding relevant reg ulator y updates into the formulation program provides a seamless up-to-date product offering and user support. By harnessing the power of all-in-one digital for- mulation platforms, pharmaceutical scientists can rapidly deliver safe, effective, and stable dosage forms that meet the needs of both their company and the pa- tients. The aim is to develop products that enhance patient adherence to medications while aligning with the company's branding strategy (see Figure 2). For experienced and inexperienced dr ug devel- opers alike, it is vital to consider the essentials of formulation development at an early stage and to find partners who are knowledgeable, credible and reliable. Excipient manufacturers should collaborate with their customers and provide support through every stage of the process. While digital formulation platforms are designed to be easy to use, flexible, and interactive, the concept is still novel, and will continue to evolve and adapt to the ever-advancing technologies and formulation re- quirements of the industry. Digital technologies offer a range of tools that can support users with different levels of experience in formulation design. These tools can empower users to accelerate the process of developing and designing formulations for various products. Ultimately, this assistance can contribute to improving patient outcomes. References 1. The Business Research Company, Pharmaceutical Excipients Global Market Report 2023. Market Re- search Report, Januar y 2023. 2. i Ma rc Group, Biologics Market Repor t by Source ( M i c r o b i a l , M a m m a l i a n , a n d O t h e r s ) , P r o d u c t ( Mono clonal A nt ibodies , Vaccines , R ecombinant P roteins, Ant isense R NAi and Molecular T herapy, an d O th e r s), D i s ea s e ( O n colog y, Immunological D isorders , Cardio va scular D isorders , Hematolog- ical D isorders , and Others), Manufact ur ing (O ut- sourced, In-House), and Region 2023-2028. Market Research Report, April 2022. 3. Si moen s, S.; Huy s, I. R&D Cos t s of New Med i- cines: A Landscape Analysis. Frontiers in Medicine 2021, 8, 760762. DOI: 10.3389/fmed.2021.760762 4. Bages-Amat, A.; Harrison, L.; Spillecke, D.; Stan- ley, J. T hese Eight Cha r t s Show How COV ID-19 Has Changed B2B Sa les Forever. w w com, Oct. 14, 2020. ■ Advancing OSD: Continuous Production Considerations and Dose-Level Authentication In this exclusive Drug Digest video, Pharmaceutical Technology ® editors interview experts in solid dosage development and manufacturing. Alex Trombley, oral solid dosage (OSD) process specialist/business development manager of Syntegon, runs through the benefits of continuous OSD production and key considerations for containment and operator safety, while Ali Rajabi-Siahboomi, vice president and chief innovation officer, and Gary Pond, global lead, authentication, both of Colorcon, highlight the importance of authentication at the dose level. Drug Digest is a tech talk video series with the Pharmaceutical Technology editors, who interview industry experts to discuss the emerging opportunities, obstacles, and advances in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry for the research, development, formulation, analysis, upstream and downstream processing, manufacturing, supply chain, and packaging of drug products. Alex Trombley Business Development Manager, Syntegon Ali Rajabi-Siahboomi, PhD Vice-President and Chief Innovation Officer, Colorcon Gary Pond Global Lead, Authentication, Colorcon For more videos, visit!

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