Pharmaceutical Technology - October 2023

Pharmaceutical Technology - October 2023

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Futur Shape the of Pharma TM 42 YEARS of serving pharmaceutical professionals and leading innovation to improve patient health 20,000+ MEMBERS in over 120 countries 40 AFFILIATES AND CHAPTERS worldwide, representing ISPE on the local level A ROBUST LIBRARY of on-demand training and e-learning resources and copies of the award-winning publication, Pharmaceutical EngineeringĀ® Magazine 70+ GUIDANCE DOCUMENTS, including over 35+ translated into languages other than English and 20+ complimentary Good Practice Guides* that address industry best practices and regulatory expectations SIX INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES and hundreds of digital engagements and training courses per year 24-HOUR ACCESS to topic-specific Communities of Practice comprised of ISPE members worldwide BECOME AN ISPE MEMBER TODAY ISPE highlights talents and contributions of global pharmaceutical industry members through in-person and virtual engagement opportunities. Members connect on career advancement topics and develop meaningful connections with industry thought leaders and the emerging workforce, creating opportunity for thought exchange, innovation, and collaboration. Learn more at *GAMPĀ® Good Practice Guides are excluded from this member benefit. **Restrictions may apply. New members save $40 on the admin fee and receive an exclusive ISPE baseball cap when using the code ISPE23Join at checkout.**

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