Pharmaceutical Technology - October 2023

Pharmaceutical Technology - October 2023

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44 Pharmaceutical Technology ® Trends in Formulation 2023 eBook Report. (accessed on Sept. 20, 2023). 3. Venture Capital Funding Plummets, but AI Invest- ment Growing Strong. Data Nami. www.datanami. com (accessed Sept. 20, 2023). 4. FDA. Emerging Technology Program. www.FDA . gov (accessed Sept. 20, 2023). 5. FDA. CDER's Framework for Regulatory Advanced Ma nufact ur ing Eva luat ion (FR AME) In it iat ive. www.FDA .gov (accessed Sept 20, 2023). 6. FDA. FDA Releases Two Discussion Papers to Spur Conversation About Ar tif icial Intelligence and Mach i ne Lea r n i ng i n Med ici ne. w w w. F DA .gov (Accessed Sept. 20, 2023). 7. FDA. Center for Dr ug Evaluation and Research: A r t i f icia l Intel l igence in Dr ug Ma nufact ur ing. www.FDA .gov (accessed Sept 20, 2023). 8. FDA. Tox-GAN: An AI Approach A lternative to Animal Studies–a Case Study with Toxicogenom- ics. www.FDA .gov (accessed Sept. 20, 2023). 9. Vent u reBeat. A n nua l I ndex Fi nd s A I i s I ndus- trializing But Needs Better Metrics and Testing. Vent ureBeat. https://vent (accessed Sept. 20, 2023). 10. InvestGlass. Which Countries Are Leading the AI Race? InvestGlass. (accessed Sept. 20, 2023). 11. U K u nvei ls world lead i ng approach to i n nova- t ion i n f i rst a r t i f icia l i ntel l igence wh ite paper to t u rbocha rge g row t h. w w (accessed Sept. 20, 2023). ■ CPHI BarCelona Coverage CPHI Barcelona 2023: Digitalization The following sessions covering digitalization and technology in the pharmaceutical industry will be showcased at CPHI Barcelona 2023. MANUFACTURING 4.0 TRACK October 25, 2023 Room: 4.4; Conference Centre 4 How digitalization is driving efficiencies, cost-savings, and output for drug manufacturing Track Chair: Rosella Del Vecchio, Marketing Director, Procaps Group • Keynote Address—Drug Manufacturing Dynamics–Where is the Industry Heading? 11:00–11:15 Frances Zipp, President and CEO, Lachmann Consultant Services • R&D 4.0: A New Approach to Digitized R&D to Achieve Better Time-to-Market and its Applications in Product Development 11:15-11:35 The pharmaceutical industry faces significant challenges in bringing new drugs to market due to the complexities of the R&D process. These challenges include high costs, lengthy development timelines, and a low success rate. In response to these challenges, a new approach to R&D has emerged: R&D 4.0. R&D 4.0 leverages advanced technologies such as Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, 3D Printing; among others, to streamline the drug development process and reduce time-to-market. Speaker: Joe Villa, R&D Manager, Procaps • Achieving Industry 4.0 with PAT Manufacturing 11:40-12:00 Join our focused session, where our expert will dive into Process Analytical Technology and how these innovations are ushering in a new era of manufacturing. Speaker: Sean Daughtry, Director of Technical Operations, Vertex Pharmaceuticals • Overcoming Digital Transformation Challenges in Manufacturing 12:05–12:25 Digital transformation is a key area of development in pharma, but potential can be limited by regulatory roadblocks, a talent gap and integration complexities. Join our experts to gain insights into overcoming challenges and implementing the latest technologies. Speaker: Guglielmo Iozzia, Associate Director–Data Science, ML/AI, Computer Vision, MSD • Steps for a Smarter Supply Chain 12:30-12:50 Smart manufacturing unites physical and digital processes across the supply chain, helping to optimize current supply and demand requirements. This session will discuss how to implement the latest technologies for a smarter supply chain. Speaker: Andrew Kewson, Head of Global Supply Chain Management, Basilea Pharmaceutica • Panel: Loading Potential: Artificial Intelligence for Pharma Manufacturing 12:55-13:40 Join our panel of experts to explore the tangible opportunities AI brings to pharma manufacturing. Moderator: Willem van Asperen, Chief Data Scientist, PA Consulting Panellists: Joe Villa, R&D Manager, Procaps; Andrew Kewson, Head of Global Supply Chain Management, Basilea Pharmaceutica; Guglielmo Iozzia, Associate Director - Data Science, ML/AI, Computer Vision, MSD; Sean Daughtry, Director of Technical Operations, Vertex Pharmaceuticals; Aurelio Arias, Director, IQVIA Visit pages 50–51 of this ebook or for the entire conference agenda.

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