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46 Pharmaceutical Technology ® Trends in Formulation 2023 eBook POLK ADOT - STOCK.ADOBE.COM A s CPHI Barcelona approaches, the pharma- ceutical world is gearing up to explore prom- ising innovations that could shape the future of healthcare. This year is historic for CPHI, as it introduces a dedicated exhibition zone exclusively for start-ups, which are the innovation hubs of the industry. As part of its overarching mission to accelerate the jour- ney of innovative medicines to patients worldwide, CPHI is shining a spotlight on some of the most promising ear- ly-stage technological innovations poised to impact the global pharmaceutical landscape. In this context, we had the privilege to engage with two emerging start-ups, one in the realm of devices and the other specializing in en- hancing solubility, both offering unique solutions set to reshape the pharmaceutical landscape. Zerion Pharma: revolutionizing drug bioavailability Zerion Pharma, founded in 2019 and led by CEO Ole Wi- borg and CSO Korbinian Löbmann, has been making waves with its innovative approach to enhancing the bioavailability of small-molecule drugs. Löbmann´s journey commenced with extensive re- search conducted at the University of Copenhagen, Den- mark, where various materials, including mesoporous silica, amino acid peptides, cellulose nanofibers, and pro- teins, were rigorously explored for their potential in en- hancing drug solubility. After meticulous testing, whey proteins emerged as the clear frontrunners, excelling not only in amorphous stabilization but also significantly enhancing drug solubility. This discovery allowed for higher drug loading, sur- passing the industry maximum of 30% to reach 70% of the particle's weight (1). This innovation laid the foundation for Zerion Pharma, which subsequently partnered with Arla Food Ingre- dients, a provider of premium nutrition products and leading expert in whey protein processing. Arla Food Ingredients had developed a method to purify β-lacto- Innovative Start-Ups at CPHI Barcelona CPHI Content Team The Start-Up Market at CPHI Barcelona will bring together 27 start-ups, innovators, and small enterprises from across the pharma landscape.