Issue link: Trends in Formulation 2023 eBook Pharmaceutical Technology ® 47 CPHI BarCelona Coverage globulin (BLG Pharma Grade) and this turned out as key component in Dispersome, Zerion's proprietary protein excipient technology. Dispersome technology has garnered industry atten- tion for its potential to improve drug solubility. The com- pany has secured contracts with four Top 20 pharmaceuti- cal firms, a testament to the industry's recognition of this innovative approach (2, 3). Moreover, the partnership with Hovione, a pharmaceutical services firm specializing in spray-dry amorphous dispersion (ASD), stands as a signif- icant milestone for Zerion (4). They were approached by Hovione, which had shown interest in their Dispersome technology and wanted to explore potential collaboration. This was an unusual oc- currence, as it typically goes the other way around, with smaller companies reaching out to larger ones. The collaboration not only aligns with Zerion's goals but also opens doors to small and midsize pharmaceutical in- novators, a segment that can benefit significantly from improved drug solubility. This partnership positions Hov- ione as the exclusive promoter of Dispersome technology within the pharmaceutical marketplace, addressing the industry's bioavailability challenges head-on. Hovione recognizes the value of this innovative tech- nology and its potential to reshape the pharmaceutical landscape. This strategic alliance with Zerion marks the first instance in which Hovione has incorporated new technology through a partnership, highlighting the ur- gency and importance of addressing bioavailability issues in the pharmaceutical industry. Zerion's Dispersome technology, powered by β-lac- toglobulin, a natural ingredient, creates ASDs that en- hance drug solubility. With drug loadings exceeding 50% while maintaining stability, these formulations offer a promising solution for drug developers strug- gling with poor solubility issues (5). Leveraging exper- tise in spray drying, a scalable manufacturing method, this technology provides an integrated path to clinical supplies and commercialization. Protected by a robust patent portfolio, Zerion's Disper- some technology is available at CPHI for exclusive licens- ing, offering unique protection and potential life cycle extension beyond 2040. Sonohaler: revolutionizing respiratory care Another standout start-up, Sonohaler, was established in 2018 and is headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark. The company is dedicated to enhancing the lives of indi- viduals living with respiratory conditions. Ash Pradhan, CEO and co-founder of Sonohaler, emphasizes, "Approx- imately 70% of asthma patients struggle to adhere to their medication regimen due to its unnecessary com- plexity (6). Sonohaler aims to simplify inhaler use, pro- viding effective management of respiratory conditions." AcuFlo technology, Sonohaler's innovative patented product, consists of a plastic ring that is coupled with an inhaler and linked to a mobile phone app. Using a simple sound recognition system and advanced data analysis, the technology facilitates effective drug delivery man- agement. AcuFlo relies on acoustic signal processing and machine learning to estimate inhalation flow patterns. What sets this technology apart is its versatility. It can be adapted to both commercial metered-dose inhalers (MDI) and dry powder inhalers (DPI), catering to a broad user base on both Android and iOS smartphones. This adaptability ensures that a wide range of patients can use it with ease and on their existing inhalers. A further benefit to the patient provided by this tech- nology includes the provision of real-time feedback, empowering users to optimize their inhalation tech- niques—an essential factor in effective treatment of their respiratory condition. Additionally, the technol- ogy collects valuable data on inhaler usage, which can be shared with healthcare professionals for informed decision-making. What's most interesting about Sono- haler's solution is its affordability. With a production cost of just a few cents per unit for the recyclable plastic ring that can be attached to any inhaler, Sonohaler's digital solution not only makes digital respiratory care acces- sible but also aligns with environmentally conscious practices by reducing electronic waste. Pharmaceutical companies coming to CPHI have the flexibility to partner with Sonohaler through two dis- tinct models. They can license the AcuFlo technology and manufacture customized Sonohaler rings alongside their inhalers or opt for the technology transfer model. In the latter case, they collaborate closely with the company during the initial stages before independently producing Sonohaler rings. This adaptability ensures widespread adoption and the potential to advance respiratory health for patients worldwide. References 1. Leng, D. et al. Protein Based Amorphous Solid Dis- persion: a Case Study Investigating Different Whey Proteins at High Drug Loading. Pharm Res. 2023 Jul;40(7):1865-1872. 2. Zerion. Zerion Pharma and Insud Pharma Announce Collaboration to Develop Dispersome Formulations of Marketed Drug Products. Press Release. Aug. 29, 2022. 3. Zerion. Zerion Pharma's Dispersome Technology Published in Two Peer-Reviewed Papers through Partnership with Pharmaceutical Companies. Press Release. June 8, 2023. 4. Z er oi n Ph a r m a a nd Hov ione For m St r ateg ic Par tnership to Market and Commercialize the Propr ieta r y Dispersome Tech nolog y Plat for m. Press Release. Feb. 22, 2022. 5. Hovione. Dispersome (accessed on Sep. 22, 2023). 6. Reddy, S. Many Asthma Patients Use Their Inhalers In- correctly, Research Shows. Wall Street Journal (accessed on Sept. 22, 2023). ■