Pharmaceutical Technology - October 2023

Pharmaceutical Technology - October 2023

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48 Pharmaceutical Technology ® Trends in Formulation 2023 eBook BRUNOWELTMANN - STOCK.ADOBE.COM T his year's CPHI heads to Barcelona from October 24–26, 2023 at the Fira de Barcelona. The worldwide event will bring together innovative businesses and thought leaders under one roof. "We are excited to welcome the industry back to the heart of pharma. CPHI Barcelona presents a one-of-a-kind experience this year, merging the best of online and on-site experiences with exhibition, seminars, workshops, and our Event Planner app. There will also be fresh opportunities to forge valuable connections and discover the latest innovations in our vibrant start-up market," says Sherma Ellis Daal, brand director, Pharma at Informa Markets. The following is an exclusive interview with Daal for Pharmaceutical Technology ® . Q. In your opinion, what would be the best advice for those attending? Daal (Informa Markets): Our top recommendation is to allocate some time before the event to define your purpose for attendance and consider both the quality and quantity of meetings you establish. It's important to reflect on the specific information you require and identify the questions best suited for face-to-face inter- actions, particularly in the context of co-development pharmaceutical partnerships. Additionally, we sug- gest utilizing the Event Planner app to organize your schedule, ensuring that your planned meetings and sessions are seamlessly integrated into your calendar. Q. Could you highlight the new features of the 2023 event? Daal (Informa Markets): In 2023, our highlight is the Start-Up Market in Hall 3, where we bring together 27 star t-ups, innovators, and small enter prises to showcase their ground-breaking products and solu- tions. On the start-up stage, these exhibitors will even get a chance to pick up funds. Each start-up will have eight minutes for a pitch: five minutes for their inno- vation presentation and three minutes for audience Welcome to CPHI Barcelona CPHI Content Team Sherma Ellis Daal, brand director, Pharma at Informa Markets, gives a preview of CPHI Barcelona 2023.

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