
2023-24 Winter Activity Guide

2017/2018 Morton Grove Park District Winter Spring Activity Guide

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PRST STD U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 3 Morton Grove, IL 6834 Dempster Street Morton Grove, IL 60053 MORTON GROVE PARK DISTRICT 2023-2024 WINTER ACTIVITY GUIDE SCAN THE QR CODE FOR THE WINTER ACTIVITY GUIDE D R I V E N TO E XC E E D YO U R E X P E CTAT I O N S Complete Auto Repair Scan me for services EXPERIENCE THE PERFECT COMBINATION OF HONEST SERVICE & ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY PROUD SPONSOR OF THE MORTON GROVE PARK DISTRICT The ProAuto Experience 24-month/24,000-mile warranty 95% same-day service Loaner cars RepairPal Certified Shop Family-owned and operated ProAuto leverages more than 30 years experience in the automotive industry working on all types of automobiles, including domestic, European, classic, hybrid, electric and more. Our technicians remain up to speed with the latest automotive technology and best practices, so you can trust that your car is in safe hands. Our store operates on a commission-free model with all employees receiving a flat salary. 6100 Dempster St, Morton Grove, IL • 847-744-8579

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