
2023-24 Winter Activity Guide

2017/2018 Morton Grove Park District Winter Spring Activity Guide

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Register at | 2023-2024 Winter Activity Guide 9 AGES 3-10 W/ADULT Prairie View Park 6834 Dempster Street, Morton Grove REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR CAMERA. CODE TIME 220117-01 10:00-10:30 am 220117-02 10:30-11:00 am 220117-03 11:00-11:30 am 220117-04 11:30 am-12:00 pm FOUR SESSIONS TO CHOOSE FROM FEE: R $6/NR $8 MORE DETAILS ON PG 8 MY LITtLE SwEeThEaRt DANcE Enjoy a special night with your little one at our annual My Little Sweetheart Dance. Get dressed up for a night of dinner and dancing. Our DJ will play a variety of songs along with organized games and contests throughout the night. TIME: 6:30-8:30 pm CODE: 120109-01 FEE: R $29/NR $35* LOC: American Legion Memorial Civic Center, 6140 Dempster Street, Morton Grove MIN/MAX: 20/80 Discount available for additional children* Register today for an event that will create memories to be cherished for a lifetime. Pre-register by January 26. Dinner will be served. Each family member must register. Discount available for additional children. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9 AGES 5-12 W/ADULT SATURDAY, MARCH 23 EGgStRAVAGANzA MgPd

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