
2023-24 Winter Activity Guide

2017/2018 Morton Grove Park District Winter Spring Activity Guide

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Morton Grove Park District | 6834 Dempster Street | (847) 965-1200 | 10 Club Fitness houses a state-of-the-art facility for weight training and physical fi tness that is available to all Club Fitness Members. The Park District strives to provide members with quality programming and fi rst-rate amenities at the best value possible. Club Fitness Center is located on the fi rst fl oor of Prairie View Community Center. Club Fitness Newly updated 5,000 square-foot strength and cardiovascular fi tness area with recumbent bikes, upright bikes, elliptical trainers, SciFit total body exerciser, stair climbers, treadmills, and strength equipment. Be sure to check out all the amenities listed on page 11. Club Fitness added a New 800 square-foot fi tness studio complete with state of the art lighting and sound! Club Fitness has an additional 800 square-foot Dynamic Rig equipped with a chin-up bar, pull-up bar, dip machine, plyo step, monkey bars, ball target, 45 lb. rubber bumper plates and a heavy bag. Also, in the HIIT Zone room are: plyo boxes, battle rope, speed bag, rope trainer, weight racks, kettlebells, dumbbells, and a glute/hamstring machine. SIGN UP FOR A ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP AND GET FOUR PASSES FREE

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