
2024 Summer Activity Guide

Morton Grove Park District Activity Guide

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EVENTS SUMMER APRIL - JUNE HAPPENINGS PRINCESS TEA PARTY SUNDAY, APRIL 21 2:00 - 3:30 pm PVCC Community Room Dress up as your favorite Princess for a magical tea party with our special guest, Princess Belle. You will play games, drink tea and Kool-Aid, and eat tasty treats. Fee is per couple. All children must be accompanied by one adult. Additional Adults are R $8. Please register by April 14. MIN/MAX: 12/25 FEE: R $27/NR $32 CODE AGE 210113-01 3-8 w/adult MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS WALK SATUDAY, MAY 4 10:00 am - 11:30 am Prairie View Park Join us as we take a break from daily stress and honor Mental Health Awareness Month. Mental Health is a growing concern in this country. Activities include a family walk, chalk art, and dog play (Wright-Way Rescue). NOTE: $10 of every registration will be donated to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). NAMI is the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization and is dedicated to improving the lives of millions of Americans aff ected by mental illness. Participants will also receive a free guest pass to Club Fitness. Dogs are welcome, but they must be on a leash of 6 ft or less. Snacks will be available in the lobby. MIN/MAX: 10/50 FEE: R/NR $15 CODE AGE 360126-01 All Ages PARK PRIDE DAY SATURDAY, MAY 18 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Prairie View Park Park Pride Day is a fun event where volunteer community members and their families come together to prepare Morton Grove Park District for the upcoming summer season with general maintenance and planting. Volunteers are invited to work at parks through out the district by planting fl owers, pulling weeds, mulching, and picking up trash. Flowers, mulch, and instructions will be provided. Bring your gardening tools. Morton Grove is a community that takes pride in their park's year in and year out. Park Pride Day is a perfect way to unite the Park District and the community, as we share the common goal of keeping our parks clean, safe, and enjoyable for everyone. Please register by May 13. CODE: 360121-01 HARRER POOL MEMBER APPRECIATION DAY SATURDAY, JUNE 1 10:00 - 11:00 am Harrer Pool Thank you for being a pool pass member! Enjoy the pool to yourself before the pool opens to the public and receive a special gift on us. MEMBER APPRECIATION DAY SATURDAY, JUNE 8 Oriole Aquatic Center 10:00 - 11:00 am Thank you for being a pool pass member! Enjoy the pool to yourself during this time and receive a special gift from us. SWING INTO SUMMER TUESDAY, JUNE 11 4:00 - 8:30 pm Harrer Park Swing into Summer with the Morton Grove Park District. From 4:00 - 5:00 pm we invite our furry friends to join us for Yappy Hour. At 5:30 pm bring the kids over to see a performance by Dave's Traveling World of Reptiles. At 7:00 pm we kick off our Summer Concert Series with Mr. Myers, the band blends tropical calypso and ska, reggae and rock-n-roll with classic tunes. This event is FREE, please pre register for the event. CODE AGE 320127-01 All Ages HARRER POOL TEEN NIGHT FRIDAY, JUNE 14 7:30 - 9:00 pm Harrer Pool Attention Teens! Enjoy a fun-fi lled evening at Harrer Pool on Friday night. Music will be playing through the night. This event is open to all area Middle School age youth, Parent/guardian signature is required for admission to Teen Nights at the pool. Daily rate applies unless you have a 2024 pool membership. Register at | 2024 Summer Activity Guide 7

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