The Capitol Dome

Summer 2013

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2013 HOLIDAY FREED 13 AY FREEDOM ORNAMENT The bronze Statue of Freedom by Thomas Crawford is the crowning feature of the dome of the United States Capitol. The statue stands 19 feet 6 inches tall and weighs approximately 15,000 pounds. Crafted from the marble of the east f ro n t s t e p s re moved during the 1995 renovations, the Statue of Freedom is framed in 24kt gold with red, white, and blue detail. El legantly gift boxed. (2 1/4" X 3") #002706 Member $26.00 $23.40 2013 HORSE DRAWN AWN CARRIAGE ORNAMEN ARRIA A ORNAMENT A horse drawn carriage carries a spruce tree to a family gathering with the United States Capitol in the background. Holiday colors and 24kt gold plating accent this unique hand-crafted o c t a g o n a l s h a p e . The beautifully designed gift box i s a work of art alone. (3 1/2" x 3 1/2") 5" TATUE OF FREEDOM ST A O #002709 Members $24.00 $21.60 Smaller replica of the U. S. Capitol's crownreplica ing symbol of freedom and democracy. dom y. Crafted from the marble steps removed from the east front of the Capitol in the 1995 renovations. Made in the USA. #002716 Members $28.00 $25.20 FOUR-STAGE -ST T PORCELAIN BOX R L OX Beautiful collectible box features the four stages of the Capitol's architectural development around the base and an artistic rendering of the current east front plaza on the lid. (3 1/4" x 2 1/2" x 1") #002515 Members $39.95 $35.95 For Ordering toll free call: 1-800-887-9318, ext. 10 : 00-887-9318, ,

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