Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation
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22 January - February 2014 | By BriAn K romer, Step2CompliAnCe, And K Arrie williAmS, teStoil oIl ChANGes how New Emissions standards may Impact scheduled oil Changes F For many people, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations are difficult to comprehend because of the terminology that is used. For example, internal combustion engines (ICE) and reciprocating internal combustion engines (RICE) are the terms most often used in rulemaking to describe stationary engines, while industry prefers terms like compres- sors, generators and pumps. This can create a disconnect between the regulator and the regulated. With the most recent revisions to emissions standards possibly impacting more engines and industries than any prior rule released by the EPA, it becomes even more critical to understand these applicable rules, including the latest amendment focused on stationary reciprocating internal combustion engines. In March 2010, the EPA announced a new amendment to the final rule on the "Subpart ZZZZ National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines," or RICE NESHAPs, with new requirements targeting compression-ignition (CI) or diesel engines, and revisions delayed for spark-ignited (SI) or natural gas and gaseous-fueled engines until August 2010. These engine types are referred to as CI RICE and SI RICE, respectively. The rule will require impacted sources to achieve emission limits reflecting the application of the Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) consistent with sections 112(d) of the Clean Air Act. Both engine types were given different deadlines for final compliance. CI RICE types were to be compliant by May 2013, while SI RICE by October 2013. The requirements went into effect on those dates, including those related to emission stan- dards, testing, compliance, operating limits, work practices, recordkeeping and reporting. The rule applies to the following stationary engines: • Engines with more than 500 horsepower (hp) at the major source of hazardous air pollutants (HAP), including existing engines constructed before Dec. 19, 2002; new engines constructed on or after Dec. 19, 2002; and recon- structed engines in which reconstruction began on or after Dec. 19, 2002. • Engines with less than 500 hp at the major source of HAP and engines of all horsepower at an area source of HAP, Figure 1. This graphic shows the results of a detailed appli- cability analysis for a stationary CI RICE or diesel engine placed into service in 2002 versus 2013. Green indicates the rules don't apply, yellow indicates something may apply, and red indicates a rule applies. (Courtesy of step2compliance)