Tiger Football Experience

2011 Memphis Football Experience

University of Memphis Tiger football fan experience. The virtual guide contains photos, videos, bios and information about the Memphis football team.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/41733

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Page 30 of 135

City of Memphis MORE Considered the "Home of the Blues" and the "Birthplace of Rock ´n Roll," the city of Memphis´ musical roots run deep. However, music is just a chapter in the history as well as the future of the city located in the heart of Mid- America. Beale Street, located in the heart of downtown, has rapidly become the entertainment center of Memphis and visitors and locals alike enjoy the food and music offered in the various establishments. Where Beale Street meets the Mississippi River is Tom Lee Park, site of the annual Beale Street Music Festival. The weekend-long event is just a part of the month-long Memphis in May International Festival which also includes the World Championship Barbecue Cooking Contest and the Sunset Symphony. 29 Graceland Birthplace of Rock 'n Roll STAX Museum Sun Studio 2011 Memphis Football Experience Orpheum Theater

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