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Markets 6 Industry news 6 Industry innovations 40 Calendar 41 Supplier news 44 People news 45 Product update 46 Mini case histories and Product reviews 48 Spotlight on Nutraceuticals 32A TABLETS & CAPSULES capsule filling Encapsulation innovation: The new and novel in hard and soft capsules 10 Matthew Knopp Applying an enteric coating to empty capsule shells to accelerate clinical trials 18 Yogesh Chachare, Theresa Estep, Mark Geis, Michael Gosselin, and John Dela Cruz Issue focus: Capsules and capsule filling 21 granulation & drying Density mapping of roller-compacted ribbons using terahertz spectroscopy 26 Mark Sullivan, David Heaps, Richard McKay, Eiji Kato, Xiao Hua Zhou, Chuan-Yu Wu, Chun-lei Pei, Jian-yi Zhang, and Serena Schianoz Granulation and drying: A survey of what's available 34 Dissolution testing: A survey of what's available 35 Eye on Excipients 37 John A. McCarty Back Page 64 Margareth R. C. Marques Tablets & Capsules (ISSN 1549-9928 print; ISSN 1938-9159 online) is published eight times a year in January, March, April, May, July, September, October, and November by CSC Publishing, Inc., 1155 Northland Drive, Saint Paul, MN 55120. Periodicals postage paid at Saint Paul, MN, and additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Tablets & Capsules, 1155 Northland Drive, Saint Paul, MN 55120. departments w w w . t a b l e t s c a p s u l e s . c o m January 2015 Volume 13 Number 1 also in this issue While no one expects capsules to overtake tablets as the preferred dosage form, they do offer greater flexibility. The article on page 10 provides some exam- ples of how capsules a n d c a p s u l e filling technology are evolving to meet the needs of today's formulators and manufacturers. For more information about the topic, click on "Article Index" at our website: (This section appears four times yearly in issues delivered to our nutraceutical readership.)