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markets Global excipient market forecast to reach $8.4 billion by 2019 DALLAS, TX—The global excipients market, valued at $5.76 billion in 2013, is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of 6.7 percent between 2014 to 2019, reaching $8.44 billion, according to a report from MarketsandMarkets. Among the factors driving growth are greater use of nano-technology and liposomal deli - very, stronger demand for functional excipients, and rapid growth of generics due to patent expirations of blockbusters. On the other hand, declining investment in R&D and tougher regulations will offset some growth. The full report costs $4,650. "Patent cliff" to cost Big Pharma $65 billion by 2019, report predicts LONDON , UK—A report on 30 of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies predicts they will lose $65 billion in sales by 2019 due to patent expirations. Glo - bal Data's report cited significant losses in the central nervous system/mental health therapeutic sector. The 376-page report, "PharmaLeaders: Global Pharmaceutical Market Benchmark Report," costs $3,995. Global PAT market projected to reach $450.6 million by 2019 WELLESLEY , MA—The global market for process analytical technology (PAT) instrumentation is expected reach $450.6 million by 2019, growing at a 6.7 percent compound annual rate between 2014 and 2019, according to a report from BCC Research. "Process Analytical Techno - logies for Pharmaceuticals: Global Markets" costs $6,650. industry news USP eyes changes to dissolution chapters, alignment with ICH on elemental impurities ROCKVILLE, MD—The US Pharma - copeia (USP) has proposed revising general chapters <711> "Dissolution" and <2040> "Disin tegration and Dissolution of Dietary Supplements" to address issues pertaining to gelatin cross-linking in capsule products. The changes involve adding papain and bromelain for media with pH 4 to 6.8, increasing the amount of pancreatin from 1,750 to 2,000 units per liter, and pretreating the capsule pro - ducts. The proposals were published in Pharmacopeial Forum 40(6). See page 64 of this issue for more information. In other news, in October the USP Ele mental Impurities Expert Panel approved a recom mendation that chapter <232> "Elemental Impurities—Limits" be revised to align with the ICH Q3D Step 4 document to the extent possible. That portion of the ICH Q3D guideline reached Step 4 in December 2013 and entered the implementation period (Step 5) in December 2014. FDA approves Viekira Pak to treat hepatitis C SILVER SPRING, MD—The FDA approved AbbVie's Viekira Pak to treat patients infected with chronic hepatitis C. The product includes ombitasvir, parita - previr, and ritonavir tablets co-packaged with dasabuvir tablets. Treat ment calls for a regimen of four to six tablets a day for 12 6 January 2015 Tablets & Capsules Quali-V® The pharmaceutical standard for hypromellose capsules Quali-V®-I Specially formulated to meet your inhalation formulation needs Prism™ Capsules Include 23 different colorants and two inks to help speed up your product development timelines F-Labo One machine for the lab to fill capsules with powders, liquids and granules, etc. all at one time 1-800- CAPSULE @Qualicaps For more information on the complete line of Qualicaps capsules and processing equipment: No Matter Your Capsule Challenge, Qualicaps® has Your Product Covered