Retail Observer

May 2015

The Retail Observer is an industry leading magazine for INDEPENDENT RETAILERS in Major Appliances, Consumer Electronics and Home Furnishings

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MAY 2015 RETAILOBSERVER.COM 9 F I N D I N G T H E I N S P I R AT I O N B E H I N D T H E BOLD NEW DESIGN AT KITCHENAID T o develop an all-new line of appliances for KitchenAid, a global team of designers sought inspiration from many places including their original iconic stand mixer from 1919, and most importantly, from consumers themselves. The result is a dramatically redesigned major appliance suite that feels completely original yet uniquely identifiable as the KitchenAid Brand. To remain authentic to the brand and what people love about it, they began the creation process by speaking to consumers around the world. According to Gail Bruce, senior brand manager at KitchenAid, "Amazingly, what consumers think and feel about KitchenAid is remarkably consistent. That allowed us to bring a strong design language that was proudly KitchenAid and embraced everywhere." One key discovery from consumers is that they value KitchenAid ® Appliances equally for the way they work and how they look. That meant taking a holistic approach in creating an entire major appliance suite that not only elevated the style of any kitchen but inspired passion and elevated culinary creativity for the home cook. Their design team remained true to the Kitchen-Aid Brand, using the iconic stand mixer's hub as inspiration during the creation of the KitchenAid Brand Medallions. The medallions are used to cap the satin textured handles found on the refrigerators, wall ovens and dishwashers, serving as "our iconic finishing stamp; a mark of craftsman ship and precision." Jason Tippets, KitchenAid Brand Lead Industrial Designer, describes the subtle yet dramatic effect of the details like the medallion. "It's one of those things that at first you don't notice. But as you get closer, you see the details that really reinforce confidence in the way the handles were built and assembled. You start to realize there's a scribed texture on the handle. Somebody paid attention to that." Every thoughtful element delivers the same effect, from the multi-finish knobs on the cooktops and ranges to the chrome inlaid frame around the windows in the ovens to the affixed stainless steel badge that puts their bold emblem on each appliance. The philosophy behind the commitment to craftsmanship is described by E. Poncho Eddie, KitchenAid sales training manager, "Everyone wants to build a quality product and have consumers realize that it's well built. That's why we had to create an aesthetic that says there was a lot of care in the way it was put together."

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