Tablets & Capsules


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82 June 2015 Tablets & Capsules Solid Dosage SourceBook Metrics Contract Services About Us Metrics Contract Services is a full-service pharmaceutical development and manufacturing organization delivering proven scientific and operational excellence for oral dosage forms. Our expertise includes quality formulation development; first-time-in- man formulations; Phase I-III clinical trial materials manufacturing; and analytical method development and validation services leading to commercial scale manufacturing. Our technical capabilities include highly potent, cytotoxic and unstable compounds; DEA Schedule II-V controlled substances; and products with poor bioavailability, for which we offer advanced delivery methods. Products and Services We offer full formulation development services from pre-clinical through Phase III CTM. Our facilities and processes are designed to handle potent products, cytotoxic compounds, and controlled substances. Fast-Track First-Time-In-Man (FTIM) Studies Metrics Contract Services has successfully delivered materials for over 130 FTIM studies. Our process ensures speed and quality, with a 16-24 week timeline from receipt of well- characterized NCE to shipment. Potent Products Our segregated potent facility provides total engineered containment through customized, hard-wall isolation technologies. Containment is achieved at 30 nanograms per cubic meter of room Metrics Contract Services 1240 Sugg Parkway Greenville, NC 27834 Tel: 252 752 3800 Email: Website: CTM Phase I, II, III Our CTM capabilities offer capacity for all clinical trial phases. Our state-of-the- art, flexible manufacturing facility and equipment can handle up to 450-kilo batch sizes. Facilities Located in Greenville, N.C., Metrics Contract Services is a proud member of the Mayne Pharma family. Learn more at air; equipment and change parts are dedicated exclusively to potent use. Commercial Manufacturing Multiple large-scale manufacturing and packaging rooms for Phase III clinical trial and commercial manufacturing ensure high-quality manufacturing of solid oral dose formulations, including DEA II-V controlled products. Full analytical support is available – release testing, stability, microbiology testing and custom analytical development and validation.

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